All Work & No Play..

Friday, 23 May 2014

Again, I have been missing in action? What kind of new blogger am I... 

It has officially been one whole month since I posted my last blog post. Over the last month I have been so busy between working my job and trying to finish my degree. I finish on Tuesday - it cannot come quick enough!!! University work and working at home to make pennies for the new flat has literally run me into the ground, and I can't wait for next Wednesday to pamper myself and start clearing out my room for the big move. 

Socially I have been non existent, so their is nothing to report there but I have been going through some tough personal times that I know will all change once University is over (5 more days!!)

This blog will be much more active as of next Tuesday, so please keep faithful to me as I am excited to begin blogging properly!

Also, on Wednesday the 21st of May 2014, I officially submitted my fourth year dissertation (on some engineering stuff that you guys won't care about). So here is the generic dissertation selfie that is all the rage at this time of year! The feeling of handing it in is amazing, feel like I've come such a long way over the last four years and they have just flew by...

Love x

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