My Liebster Award Nomination

Monday, 15 September 2014

Happy Monday people! My Monday has not been great today but I am turning that round now as I have been nominated for the Liebster Award! It's always fun to be nominated for an award that helps connect us blog lovers and it came as a great surprise to me :) For those of you that don't know, the Liebster Award is used to recognise new and upcoming blogs in order to welcome them to the blogosphere.

 So without further ado I would like to thank My Spoonfull of Sugar and get on with my nomination...

1. What got you blogging in the first place and what's your blog content all about?
I have been an avid user for years now and after following the likes of Zoella, SacconeJolys and PointlessBlog so I decided I would make my own blog to give me a hobby to take up in my spare time. I also love the idea of having an online 'diary' almost, of what I have been upto and what I was feeling at a point in time. So I created this blog in order to store my memories and give me something to look back on.

2. Describe yourself in three words
This is a hard one, three words to describe me would be...

3. Favourite Word
Serendipity - The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way

4. Favourite TV Series
There are so many TV Serires that I LOVE! But to name a few.. Friends, Breaking Bad, Prison Break and Gossip Girl! Doesn't everyone long for a relationship like Blair and Chucks <3

5. What's your all time fear? 
My all time fear is failing in what I want to do. After working so hard to achieve my degree and now going on to complete my MSc, I hope that all of the hardwork pays off and I manage to get myself the job of my dreams. Yet if worst came to worst and I didn't, as long as I have my boyfriend and family by my side then I will be okay. Another fear of mine is to feel lonely in life. No one should feel alone as somewhere out there in this world there IS someone that cares about YOU.

6. Biggest regret this year?
 One of my biggest regrets this year is being vulnerable. I often wear my feelings on my sleeve and let small things get inside my head that makes me feel extremely self conscious, stressed and anxious. This means that I have a very hard time letting things go. This affected me both physically and mentally, which made me extremely tired, rundown and highly emotional. Next year I want to become a stronger individual and when life throws those lemons at me,  I will make lemonade! Aint nobody got time to dwell on the past as it can no longer be changed, so heres to the future bitches!

7. If there was one thing you had to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Curry. Easy as that. I love spicey foor and could not live without a hot curry. Could literally eat it all day err' day.

8. Are you more inspired through Beauty or Fashion?
I like both but I'd have to say I am more inspired by Fashion as you can immediatley tell a lot more about a person through what they wear on their body rather than on their face.

9. One thing you'd like to tick off your Bucket List before 2015?
Before 2015 I would like to go to Paris and add a lock to the love lock bridge

10. One country you've always wanted to visit?
America! Due to my studies I have not had the time to get myself over the pond yet but I am due to go to Florida for three weeks with my boyrfriends family in 2016  

11. If you had once chance to change the world, what would you do?
I would discover the cure for cancer.


Well I have officially finished my first Liebster Award nomination and would now like to nominate...

My Questions
 1. What inspired you to start your blog?
2. Name three of your favourite blogs?
3. What is your favourite highstreet and highend brand?
4. What is one random fact about yourself?
 5. Who is your idol?
6. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
7. What is your biggest fear?
8. What is your favourite quote?
9. Where is one place you would like to travel to?
10. Where in the world are you right now?
11. Name three items on your bucket list?

 Hope you enjoy as much as I do. I cannot wait to hear your answers!

Indie x
  1. Hello dear! You're blog is amazing, i'm in love!
    Would you like to follow each other on Bloglovin' and GFC? Let me know on my blog, I follow right back


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